Titanium Roughcast
Common sizes of round and rectangular titanium roughcasts at all quality levels are available.Ttitanium roughcast is widely applied. Contact us today..
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Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd can offer

titanium roughcast

and supply

titanium billet

for industrial, structural and engine components.

Titanium products are processed from titanium roughcast.

Titanium roughcast is made of titanium powder. Put titanium powder into rubber sleeve, then press it with isopressing. Put the pressed titanium powder into high-temperature furnace to be sintered. Titanium roughcast then is manufactured.

Titanium roughcast can be machined into varied titanium products, like titanium bar, titanium plate, titanium screw and others by corresponding techniques.

Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd has been dealing in refractory metals for over 24 years. Come to us for comprehensive titanium products.

We constantly work hard to design and test, to develop and advance titanium roughcast in the industry.
Common sizes of round and rectangular titanium roughcasts at all quality levels are available.
Our titanium roughcast is widely applied in aerospace industry, chemical industry, civilian industry and other fields. Our customers spread over US, India, Burma and other countries.
As an ISO 9001:2008-certified company, we have stringent quality control system and provide professional service for our customers around the world.
For more details about titanium roughcast, contact our English-speaking sales staffs right now.