Chemical Properties of Titanium Dioxide
Submitted by admin on 03/31/2014
Titanium dioxide is non-toxic. Chemical properties of titanium dioxide is very stable. Titanium dioxide almost do not react with other substances at normal temperatures.
Titanium dioxide do not react with oxygen, hydrothion, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and ammonia. Titanium dioxide is not soluble in water, aliphatic acid, other organic acids, weak inorganic acid. Titanium dioxide is slightly soluble in alkali and hot nitric acid.
Titanium dioxide can be completely soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid only after long-time boiling.
Titanium dioxide is able to be soluble in alkali. Fusing of titanium dioxide and alkali or alkali carbonate could change to titanate which is soluble in acid.
Under high temperature, titanium dioxide can be chloridized to titanic chloride by chlorine. This chemical reaction is theoretical principle to produce titanium pigment by chlorination pulping process.
Similarly, titanium being heated with sulfur chloride vapor or reacting with COC12, CC14, SiC14, POC13 could also be chloridized to titanic chloride.
Under high temperature, titanium dioxide could be reduced to low - valent titanium chemical compound by hydrogen, sodium, magnesium and other valent elements’ chemical compounds, but titanium dioxide could not be reduced to titanium.
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