
The application of titanium wire
Submitted by admin on 04/10/2015
Titanium wire is mainly used for military, medical, sports goods, glasses, earrings, headwear, electroplating, welding wire and other industries. Titanium wire has low density, high specific strength, and good corrosion resistance performance. Titanium is a kind of very active metal, the equilibrium potential is very low, and the energetic corrosion tendency in medium is large. However, in fact the titanium is very stable in many media. For instance, titanium is resistant to corrosion in the oxide, neutral and weak reducing medium. This is because the titanium and oxygen have a great affinity. In the air or the medium containing oxygen, the titanium surface will form a layer of oxidation film with dense, strong adhesion and big inertness, which prevent the titanium substrate from corrosion. Even if there is mechanical wear, it will soon heal or regenerate. This indicates that the titanium is a metal with strong passivation tendency. The oxide film of titanium always maintain this characteristic when the medium temperature is below 315 ℃.
In order to improve the corrosion resistance performance of titanium, we study the oxide, electroplating, plasma spraying, ion nitriding, ion implantation and laser and other surface treatment technology, which has a protective effect to titanium oxide film, so the desired corrosion resisting effect is got.
Titanium wire is mainly composed of nano zinc titanium silk membrane through the polymeric materials in military DP corrosion and DM technology, which has the acid resistance and corrosion resistance and other characteristics. What's more, titanium wire is used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, papermaking, artificial leather, and food processing, agricultural products and fisheries industry.

In order to improve the corrosion resistance performance of titanium, we study the oxide, electroplating, plasma spraying, ion nitriding, ion implantation and laser and other surface treatment technology, which has a protective effect to titanium oxide film, so the desired corrosion resisting effect is got.
Titanium wire is mainly composed of nano zinc titanium silk membrane through the polymeric materials in military DP corrosion and DM technology, which has the acid resistance and corrosion resistance and other characteristics. What's more, titanium wire is used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, papermaking, artificial leather, and food processing, agricultural products and fisheries industry.
