Titanium in Foreign Countries’National Defense Industry
Submitted by admin on 09/06/2013
What is the situation of titanium in foreign countries’ national defense industry?
In the world, the retired, serving or being developed military hardwares, a lot of these military hardwares use structural parts made of titanium and titanium alloy. With the transformation of mode of modern war, so the requirements to modern military quick maneuver capability are outstanding. For land army, land army must rely on the transport capacity to achieve rapid transportation, which requires the original heavy equipments of land army to try to be light. Such as, nowadays each of country wants their artillery can be quickly and effectively transferred to another place to achieve strategic or tactical objectives. Titanium alloy has bright future in the field of artillery. Titanium alloy and titanium also have bright future the navy and air force equipment fields. The followings are some typical examples of titanium and titanium alloy applications:
Titanium and titanium alloy can be applied on passenger planes, fighter planes, large transport planes, etc..
We can see that titanium has important position in the field of aerospace in the world, especially in the engine manufacturing and airframe manufacturing.
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