Titanium Development History
Submitted by admin on 03/21/2013
Do you want to know titanium development history? Now, let me tell you titanium development history.
In 1791, British priest-W.Gregor found a new kind of metal element in black magnetite. In 1795, Germanic chemist M.H.Klaproth also found the element in rutile and named it Titans. In 1910, United States scientist M.A.Hunter firstly made pure titanium by sodium reduction. In 1940, Luxemburg scientist W.J.Kroll made pure titanium by magnesium reduction. Sodium reduction and magnesium reduction are main ways to produce spongy titanium.
Titanium is widely distributed in nature. Proven titanic iron ore is mainly distributed in Australia, South Africa, India, the United States, Canada, Norway, Ukraine and other countries.
Although the reserves of titanium resources in China is the first in the world, the ilmenite accounteds for 93%. The amount of calcium, magnesium is high in ilmenite, which increases the smelting technical difficulty.
In past 60 years, titanium, as quality light high strength corrosion resistant structural material, new functional material and important biological engineering material, has been widely applied.
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